Eco Head

Eco Head

Featured New
The ECOHEADS showerhead is an amazing new product for the professional salon
  • Reduces water & energy usage by up to 65%
  • Increases water pressure
  • Removes sediment, rust, and sand
ECOHEADS provide smart products with unique designs that utilize the hairstylist’s time, finance and client service. We are dedicated to conserving our environment and introducing our industry to more environmentally friendly solutions for a sustainable future. We have made it our mission to provide innovative products that will:
  • Enhance the client experience
  • Improve stylists’ well-being
  • Ensure positive change around the world
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Free Delivery in all UAE , outside UAE free delivery above 1500 AED for website orders only. If you want to order a special collection contact us ‭+971 50 841 2006.